Thunderbird Conservation Park 3.16.20
This spot is mostly known for its hiking trails. I've been birding here several times, but this time it was truly a special day. I got out the car and right at that very moment I hear the loud chattering calls of a Gilded Flicker. It was guaranteed a Gilded because the Northern Flickers aren't found in the desert, they are more commonly found in coniferous forests and parks. Ok keeping that aside, I let that go and proceeded on birding along the road. The previous time I went there I saw a Loggerhead Shrike which was my first time seeing one.. that's why birded along there in search for a second look at it. As I was walking I birded along a specific patch of saguaros where I've seen the flickers previously. And out popped a female... this very tame flicker allowed me to get sublime pictures that I'll allow the picture to speak for themselves. I already had shots of the male so I'm glad I got shots of the female as well. After I was done with the GILDED FLICKER I...