Dead Horse Ranch SP 4.29.20 (Part 2)

Hopefully you checked out Part 1 on the verde river as this is a continuation of my trip. This post is on the feeders and the Canopy Trail (map is provided at the end of part three or check out their website for additional content.) As I was starting to head on the trail, a few more birders were transfixed upon a mesquite. Roosting above was a GREAT-HORNED OWL. These familiar guys are common throughout the US, but finding one during daytime is always a treat and sight to see. Anyways as I was gazing upon it I noticed the meadow below, move. It turns out there was a second owl, so I put my effort into taking pictures of that one as it was directly at eye level. I took the pictures and I headed further on the trail. As I arrived to the feeders there was an array of grosbeaks, buntings, finches, and warblers. I spotted a flock of about 30 LAZULI BUNTINGS and the common HOUSE FINCHES, WHITE-CROWNED SPARROWS, LESSER GOLDFINCHES, and a few PINE SISKINS. As I sat down to eat lunch on a nearby picnic table I was accompanied with a pair of ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHERS and YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS. As well as a few ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRDS and BLACK-CHINNED HUMMINGBIRDS. As I was finishing my sandwich I saw a larger darker figure of a bird swoop in to the sunflower seed feeder. And it was a lifer! A pair of BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAKS were accompanying the other buntings in their feast. I shot the pictures and packed up my trash. Later on, I saw a stunning NORTHERN CARDINAL, another SUMMER TANAGER, and a female BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD. These guys are peculiar, and hated in the birding community as they're considered pests to their hosts. They place their eggs in their hosts and sadly the host's chicks usually perish. Anyways, putting that aside, I finished the trail and I sadly got no looks at any yellowthroats but I had to continue on to the lagoons (which you can check out in part 3.)

Black-Headed Grosbeak

Lazuli Buntings

Northern Cardinal

White-Crowned Sparrow

Great-Horned Owl

Brown-Headed Cowbird

check out part 3 to end the trip and for some more information on this place


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